This will allow you to register a player for Texas State Scholastic Chess Championship


In the past, players registering for the tournament with PayPal using their cell phone, GoogleChrome or Safari the PayPal payment would come thru but no information would be there - player name, uscf id, section, school, etc. The info would show for you, the sender, but not for me, the receiver. If you need to use your cell phone, GoogleChrome or Safari, here is an alternative way to register thru PayPal. 


Step 1: Pay on PayPal's own website - send $71.40 to  here is the link that allows you to do that. Go to          (opens in a new window)

Step 2: Then please open an e-mail (Click  HERE ), include the following information for your player:

 Player's Name – 
 USCF ID Number
(see list below)
 School and school city– 
 Grade – 
 E-Mail Contact for questions – 
 Phone Number while at tournament – 
 Byes Needed (optional) – 
 Other information 
(late arrival, bye request, special need, etc) – 

Section List:
High School Champ
High School JV (U1000)

Middle School Champ
Middle School JV (U900)
Middle School Novice (U600)

Elementary Champ
Elementary JV (U800)
Elementary Novice (U500)

Primary Champ
Primary JV (U700)
K-1 Champ

Your entry will not be processed until I have received BOTH the payment and the information.

Thank you.  And I apologize for the inconvenience.
Barb Swafford