
News, special events, and last minute changes to the club schedule will be posted here.

August 23, 2010 Help Wanted: Cleaning Person for the club. need someone to clean the club.

Hours varied. after Friday night tournament/Sat morning early (if we have a tournament happening Saturday morning)  otherwise Saturday before Saturday 5:30 pm tournament.

after Sunday tournament (if there is one scheduled) before Wednesday night tournament.

after Wednesday night tournament and before Friday night tournament.

Clean playing halls, registration area, skittles rooms, bathrooms. Take out trash. This job can be shared among several people - One person for each shift, for example. Cleaning takes an average of 1-3 hours. It really depends on how many people have been to the previous tournament. $25/hour.

Contact Barb Swafford 214-632-9000 (anytime during day and evenings til 9) or Luis Salinas 972-231-2065 (during club hours-Wednesday night and Friday night after 7:45pm are best)